Release Notes - 12 December 2022 Updates

Explore the new features added in this update!

Updated on: 12 December 2022

Release Version: 0.10.0

Milestones in Feature Roadmap now displayed in color coding based on status of each milestoneThe Feature Roadmap now shows the gantt chart for milestones per feature in colors based on the status of a particular milestone i.e. delayed, in progress, yet to start and so on. See View Feature Roadmap.
New report available for resources that are not allocated to any teamA new report Details of Unallocated Users is now available that provides information about resources that are not allocated to any team. You can access the Resources by Allocated Teams widget of Teams dashboard and drill down into the Not Allocated bar graph to view the report. See Details of Unallocated Users.
New widget FTE Trend available in Teams dashboard that shows resource utilizationThe Teams dashboard now has a new widget FTE Trend that shows the resource utilization in terms of available resources versus utilized resources for the selected year. See Teams Dashboard.
Applied filters are saved for each user When you use filters in the Lazsa Platform, they are saved as default filters for each user. The same filters are loaded for subsequent sessions until the user resets the filters. See Users, Roles, Teams, and Organization Hierarchy.
Onboarding an offboarded userYou can onboard a user who is offboarded by editing the user details from Users screen of Users, Roles and Teams. See Users, Roles, Teams, and Organization Hierarchy.
Amazon SQS and SNS support for data pipeline notifications

As part of SQS and SNS support, Lazsa sends events to the SQS queue or SNS topics. User polls for events from SQS queue or subscribes to the SNS topic. The events (called as notifications in Lazsa) that the user receives, include actions like failed or successful data pipeline runs, changes in data pipeline, aborting a data pipeline run, promoting a data pipeline to next stage and so on.

See Configure Amazon SNS

See Configure Amazon SQS

Capability for writing SQL queries for custom transformation from DIS User InterfaceLazsa Data Pipeline Studio provides capability to create SQL queries for custom transformation by selecting the columns of a specific table from the UI without writing the entire code. See Snowflake Custom Transformation Job.
Snowflake warehouse can now be created from within the Lazsa PlatformSnowflake warehouse that provides the required resources for executing SQL statements, can now be created from the Lazsa Platform without logging on to a Snowflake account. See Create Snowflake Warehouse.
Source code repository creation dependency is removed for integration jobs If you disable Databricks Repository Integration while configuring a Databricks instance, it eliminates cloning of the repository creation in Databricks and therefore avoids failure of repository creation.
Pipeline versioning and rollback feature available in DISLazsa Data Pipeline Studio now provides the feature of assigning versions to data pipelines along with the option to roll back to a previous pipeline version. See Data Pipeline Versioning and Rollback.
AWS Secrets Manager and Lazsa Orchestrator Agent support extended to additional toolsThe Lazsa Orchestrator Agent and AWS Secrets Manager support is now extended to Terraform. See Tools Supported by Lazsa Orchestrator Agent.
Support for data lineage extended to additional data sources in Lazsa DIS

Lazsa Data Pipeline Studio extends data lineage support to the following additional data sources:


  • RDBMS (MySQL, MS SQL Server)


  • Data Catalog (SFTP, RDBMS, REST)

See Data Lineage.

Lazsa Orchestrator Agent enhancement

Dynamic API keys are introduced to validate the communication between the Lazsa Platform and the Lazsa Orchestrator Agent. With this enhancement, we have provided one more layer of security in addition to the existing AWS PrivateLink and mTLS methods.

For more information, see the API Key Validation for Lazsa Orchestrator Agent section in the Using Helm Command for Agent Registration topic.

Support for new front-end technologies

The following new technologies are now integrated with the Lazsa Platform:

  • React 17.0 with TypeScript - Yarn

  • React 17.0.2 without TypeScript - Yarn

All the dependencies for these technologies are downloaded to the Lazsa Platform by using Yarn package manager.

To view the list of technologies and tools integrated with the Lazsa Platform, see Configure Technologies and Testing Tools.


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